Closed Thursday 1/9 Due To Inclement Weather



Written by: 
Megan Mcguire



18" finished block (18 1/2" unfinished)


From Snow (9900 11), cut:
{A} (4) 4½” x 6½” rectangles
{B} (2) 5¼” squares
{C} (5) 2½” squares

From Country Red (9900 17), cut:
{D) (8) 4½” squares
{A} (4) 4½” x 6½” rectangles
{B} (2) 5¼” squares
{C} (4) 2½” squares
{E} D(4) 2½” x 8½” rectangles



MAKE HSTs. On the wrong side of (2) cream 5¼” squares, mark a diagonal line from corner to corner. Pair (1) cream 5¼” square right sides together with (1) 5¼” red square. Sew ¼” on each side of the line. Cut on the line. Press toward red. Trim to 4½” square.
Repeat to make a total of (4) half square triangles.


On the wrong side of (4) 2½” red squares, mark a diagonal line from corner to corner. Place (1) 2½” red square on the cream triangle. Sew on the line; trim ¼” from the sewn line. Press toward red. Repeat for a total of (4) units. Set aside.



On the wrong side of (2) 4½” x 6½” cream rectangles, measure over 4½” and mark a line. Then mark a diagonal line from corner to corner to the pencil line.
Place (1) cream rectangle just marked on top of a red 4½” x 6½” rectangle. Sew on the diagonal line. Trim ¼” from the sewn line. Press toward cream.
On the wrong side of (2) 4 ½” red squares, mark a diagonal line from corner to corner. Place the red square on the unit. Sew on the line, trim ¼” from the sewn line (trim line indicated by the dotted line). Press toward red. Repeat for a total of 2 units.
On the wrong side of (2) 2½” cream squares, mark a diagonal line from corner to corner.  Place the 2½” cream square on the red rectangle section. Sew on the line; trim ¼” from the sewn line. Press toward cream. Unit should measure 4½” x 8½”. Make 2 units.


Repeat process above to make two MIRROR Unit Bs as shown.



Assemble the block as shown. Measures 18½” square unfinished


Megan McGuire




A few things to let you know about the Moda Bake Shop Cozy Little Christmas QAL.  

-- For fabric information -

-- To "join", all you need to do is check Moda's Inspiration+Resources page for the latest block.  Blocks will be published by 8:30 am CST.

-- The easiest way to find all of the pubished Cozy Little Christmas blocks and blog posts is to use this link -

-- There will only be three Newsletters sent for the 2021 Moda Bake Shop Countdown to Christmas quilt-along.  Those will be sent December 1, December 10, and December 31.  The last two will include links to prior blocks and posts so you don't miss anything.

-- We can not "add" you to the Newsletter e-mail list, you must sign up for it here -
