Welcome to Moda Fabrics!
Ribbon Candy
Ribbon Candy
6" finished block (6 1/2" unfinished)
From Snow (9900 11), cut:
{A} (2) 1½” x 6½” strips
{B} (6) 2” squares
{C} (12) 1½” squares
From Scarlet (9900 47), cut:
{B} (6) 2” squares
{D} (3) 2½” squares
Mark the diagonal on the back of the (6) 2in background squares and match each square with a Print/Color 2in square, right sides together.
Sew on either side of the marked line using a scant ¼ inch seam. (Bonus Tip! When working with pieces this small, make sure you lower your stitch length so the thread locks together more
often!) Cut on the marked line to create two HST. Trim to 1.5 inches square. Repeat for all six of the pairs, creating 12 HST total.
Sew six HST together following the block diagram, repeat with the remaining six HST to create the two HST Rows.
Mark the diagonal on the back of the (12) 1.5in background squares. Sew each 1.5in square on to the corners of the 2.5in Print/Color squares on the marked diagonal line, right sides together.
Press the squares open, and then cut away the bottom two layers. Repeat for all three 2.5in Print/Color squares creating three Square-in-a-Square blocks. Sew the three Square-in-a-Square blocks together to create the Middle Row.
Gather the Top and Bottom Row pieces along with the two HST Rows and the Middle Row. Sew the HST Rows to the top and bottom of the Middle Row, press seams open.
Sew the Top and Bottom Row pieces to the HST Rows, press the seam to the Top and Bottom
Row pieces for a flat seam.
Andrea Arledge
A few things to let you know about the Moda Bake Shop Cozy Little Christmas QAL.
-- For fabric information - https://my.modafabrics.com/inspiration-resources/cozy-little-christmas-faqs
-- To "join", all you need to do is check Moda's Inspiration+Resources page for the latest block. Blocks will be published by 8:30 am CST.
-- The easiest way to find all of the pubished Cozy Little Christmas blocks and blog posts is to use this link - https://my.modafabrics.com/tags/countdowntochristmas2021
-- There will only be three Newsletters sent for the 2021 Moda Bake Shop Countdown to Christmas quilt-along. Those will be sent December 1 - today, December 10, and December 31. The last two will include links to prior blocks and posts so you don't miss anything.
-- We can not "add" you to the Newsletter e-mail list, you must sign up for it here - https://modafabrics.com/inspiration-resources/newsletter.