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BH3 Block 54 - Windmills

BH3 Block 54 - Windmills

Written by: 
Carrie Nelson

More than any quilter I can think of, everything Janet Clare makes tells a story.  From the snippets of life stitched into - and onto - the apron she wears while "working".  (There is a pattern for her linen apron - Artisan Apron, JC 1917.)  Her fabric collections and projects are about what interests her, parts of her life, and adventures. 

Even the titles of her books - Freya & Fred, A Field Guide, Wildflowers - are as much about the inspiration as the projects.

She's also really funny.  (And no, don't ask about Camilla.)

So we're a tiny bit sad that today is Janet's last block for Block Heads 3 - even though it's a really good one.  Windmill.  Block 54.

CT BH3 Janet Clare Block 54 Windmill

Windmill can be made in all four sizes - 4", 6", 8" and 12".  If you're wondering about the 4" finished block, the HTSs finish at ½".  (I'm on it!)

The instructions for Janet's Windmill block can be found here - Janet Clare Blog.

One of my favorite pictures that Janet shares regularly on Instagram is of her design wall. 

CT BH3 Janet Clare Design Wall

Whether this is the layout for her Block Heads 3 blocks, or just something to play with for now, looking at it makes me happy.  It's inspirational.

Here are some of the blocks Janet has made since she shared the picture.

CT BH3 Janet Block 53

Janet's has Bear Cubs Round The Fire - Robin Picken's Block 53.

CT BH3 Janet Block 46

Janet's Roses block - No. 46 by Jan Patek.

CT BH3 Janet Block 52

The block is Intersection from Stacy Iest Hsu - no. 52.  This is made with fabrics from Janet's Geometry collection.

CT BH3 Janet Clare Meander Quilt

Meander is one of the quilts made with Geometry, the pattern is JC205.  Using yardage of nine different prints from the collection, it finishes at 72" x 72".

Once again, today's block is Windmills and you can find it here - Janet Clare Blog.

The Block Heads 3 Archive is just about complete, only two more blocks to go. (The Archive is updated every Wednesday and Friday - blog link on Wednesday, pattern link on Friday.)

If you missed Block Heads 2, all of those blocks can be found here - Block Heads 2 Archive.  

Have you been inspired by the designers' blocks?  They're beautiful and the variety of color palettes, scrappy mixes, and block variations has been a treat to see.

Be sure to check out the Block Heads Facebook Group and look for Block Heads 3 on Instagram - #modablockheads and #modablockheads3.

Have a terrific Wednesday - stay well, and stay safe.